Monday, September 21, 2015

My thanks to a wonderful cast!

There is nothing more pleasing than giving a great show!  My Murder Mystery play at the Mount Sinai Yacht Club went off great!  Better than I could ever hope.  I can't begin to express the feeling of gratitude that bloomed in my heart when the two men who had organized the event, told me how thankful they were that my show and its cast did such a glorious job that night.  It was better than they had ever expected!

To me, 90% of any good show is usually how good your cast is and I couldn't have gotten a better collection of actors than the group I had on last Saturday.  My thanks, to  Susan Trojanoski Hedges, Stephan Scheck, Richard Gardini, Rebecca Edana and Phil Reichert.  You all rocked out some top-flight comedy.

Another thank you to the staff there at Mount Sinai Yacht Club.  Hard-working group.

It's only been a recent thing for me to start writing and performing my own work.  I am my own worst critic, even to the point of holding back on submitting my efforts to various different theaters. It is a constant struggle with me to believe that I might just have something new and original to offer. There are so many people out there with greater skills and talents than myself.  I often get overwhelmed.

What sees me through these times is when I see the light that goes on in the eyes of the audience and to hear that laughter clear across a crowded floor;.  Thanks again to my cast.  You make the hours at the Notepad all the worthwhile.

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